The Mamas and The Papas - If You Can Believe Your Eyes And Ears - Review
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I’ve heard of close-knit harmonies, but the 4-in-the-bath routine was maybe taking it TOO far. Scraping some ceramic from left to right were: John Phillips (30, vocals & guitar), Cass Elliot (24, vocals), Denny Doherty (25, vocals) and Michelle Phillips (21, vocals). The debut LP from the quartet arrived in March ’66. It was album of the year for dreamers who love to sing in the tub, whilst drifting away to sunnier climes and happier times. Simply latch on to your favourite harmony line and go with the flow. Sigh. Why can’t all Pop albums be this glorious? Helping to make the magic happen most often were: Larry Knechtel (keyboards), Joe Osborn (bass), Hal Blaine (drums) and P.F. Sloan (guitar). The ensemble makes it all sound so simple. Mamas and Papas ’66 I LOVES YA. x

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